What is a Pylon Sign? Everything You Need to Know

Pylon Signs

Attract attention to your business from new heights with a pylon sign. In areas where businesses are close together or blocked by tall buildings, these signs are bright, and eye-catching, and display everything you want an onlooker to know about your business.

Below, we have included everything you need to know about outdoor pylon signs and how The Carolina Signsmith can help you find the right one for your business. We are the pylon sign maker that you’ve been searching for.

What is a Pylon Sign?

It is a freestanding sign mounted in the air by one or two tall poles, up to 80 feet high. They are used to promote a single business or a collection of businesses. Otherwise known as “highway signs” or “road signs,” they are placed near tall buildings or elevated highways because their height makes sure they are visible to passersby.

Why are Pylon Signs Important?

They are the best way to promote your brand and attract new customers. They can be placed anywhere, at any height, making them extremely visible to onlookers. They are also created specially to your business’s brand guidelines. This keeps your brand consistent and enjoyable to customers who see it. The California Sign Association (CSA) studied various businesses and saw a 15 percent increase in sales when they are used to promote businesses.

This signage can provide directional support as well. They can be positioned to help people find your business’s location or can include simple directions. This is important if your business is in a mall or is a tenant in a crowded business area. By making it easy for customers to find your business, you’ll be able to boost sales by increasing the number of people who walk through your door.

Tips for Choosing Your Outdoor Pylon Sign

When choosing what kind sign you’d like to use for your business, it is important to know what your options are. That being said, it is also important to go with an experience pylon sign maker such as The Carolina Signsmith, so you can get a better idea on your designs and pylon sign costs.

Here are the types you can choose from:

  • Illuminated: These provide flashy exposure at all hours, which is very helpful for businesses that are open late. To ensure a long-lasting investment, interchangeable sign faces or permanent channel letters are available for quick changes.
  • Non-illuminated: Signs that are more environmentally friendly, as they offer marketing exposure without electricity costs. If your business is only open during the day, this is an excellent option.
  • Digital: Made from a bright, energy-efficient screen that rotates through images regularly. The advantage of this option is it prevents the need to be manually changed like traditional pylon signs, yet it needs a constant energy source which can become expensive.

Choose The Carolina Signsmith for Your Outdoor Pylon Signs

As a family-owned business, we pride ourselves on 25+ years of excellent customer service and signage materials. We know business owners have an endless list of tasks, so our commitment to you is not only through signs and graphics; it is to give you peace of mind for your business. Our experts will help you find the perfect sign hassle-free, on time, and within budget.

Contact The Carolina Signsmith for a free pylon sign consultation today.

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